Category: Professional Development

New Year’s Resolutions: Why You Need a Vision

The new year is always the perfect time for reflection. What did you achieve last year? Did you make the most of it?…

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How to Build Lasting Business Relationships: 8 Pro Tips

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘relationship’? No, we’re not talking about romantic walks by the sea or swiping…

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Sales Tips: 5 Ways to Seal the Deal

Some people are born salespeople, others learn the ropes on the job. Whether or not you were born with the gift, every sales…

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Digital Literacy: Are You Up to Speed?

OK, before we get into things, there's one mantra we all need to embrace: change is good. Many of us are guilty of…

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Digital Skills: 7 Ways to Further Your Career

Digital skills have become increasingly important to businesses and therefore increasingly desirable in employees. These skills are no longer just relevant to those…

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Building Client Relationships: 5 Ways to Keep Your Clients Happy

If your company depends on customers or clients, the key to being successful is making sure that you can grow and maintain your…

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The Power of Self-Reflection: Success Comes From Within

(Don't let the title fool you, we've not gone all spiritual and meditative on you.) When talking about becoming successful, we often focus…

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How to Build a Team that Works

Do you remember that old saying from school? Together Everyone Achieves More As cheesy as it is (we cringed too), there may be…

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Attitude Can Make or Break Your Success

We all want success, right? Being able to monitor attitude is a vital step that we can all take towards reaching our full…

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Paving the Way to Leadership: Develop your Skills

Do you feel you have what it takes to be a manager? Have you found it difficult to make the move into leadership?…

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EQ Test (Emotional Intelligence Test): Take Here for Free

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There's a new measure for intelligence on the scene and it may even be more important than having a high IQ! Emotional intelligence…

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Connecting on LinkedIn: The Unwritten Rules

We all know that LinkedIn is the go-to site for managing and growing our professional networks. With more than 390 million members, there's…

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How to Network: A Beginner’s Guide to Face-to-Face Networking

Managing Directors of multi-million-pound companies, owners of successful independent businesses, graduates or trainees taking their first steps onto their career paths – no…

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Shake It Off: How to Overcome Negativity in the Workplace

Some people can be a grey cloud over your day. It sounds a tad harsh but it's true, especially at work. You may…

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How to be a Work Christmas Party Pro

It's that time of year – mince pies, mistletoe and mulled wine galore! Although there will be many a cosy night in, it's…

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Marketing You: Creating a Personal Brand

The world is changing, almost everything you see around you is a form of marketing; from the billboards you see on your way…

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How To Be More Confident

Our confidence can have an impact on all aspects of our lives and it can make us or break us when it comes…

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How to Assess Your Job Offer

Well done! All your hard work job hunting has paid off and you now have an offer, but are you going to accept…

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The Importance of Knowing About You

What makes you successful at work? Knowledge? A good work ethic? Productivity? Yes, all of these things are important, but what is often…

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Boost Your Confidence for Career Success

How you feel about yourself matters. The more confident you are, the more likely you are to succeed at work, solve problems, stress…

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