Category: Professional Development

How to Choose the Best Drone Payload

It’s important to choose the right drone payload to maximize your drone’s performance and utilise your device in the best way possible for…

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Negotiation Skills: Become an Expert Negotiator with 7 Steps

Negotiation skills are essential across numerous careers. Most people will find themselves negotiating a pay rise or package with their current or future…

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Increase Your Site’s Visibility With These 6 SEO Tips

If your website is successful, you need to make sure it is visible to potential customers. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great…

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How to Get BLS Certification: 6 Useful Tips

There are many ways to get a BLS certification. But most of the time, it takes a ton of time and resources to…

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Sprint vs Agile Retrospective: What Is The Difference

Sprints and agile retrospectives are two essential tools in the world of project management. Though they share some similarities, there are also key…

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3 Primary Things to Focus on When Creating Social Media Videos

Video marketing is becoming increasingly popular on social media platforms. Most customers prefer watching a video over reading. That’s the primary reason most…

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The Importance of Effective Communication Within the Workplace

Effective communication is an essential part of business success. However, for many people you employ, each member of staff needs to come together…

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6 Things You Need To Know About Network Development

Networking is an ongoing process of establishing and maintaining connections. The art of networking can be applied in a professional setup to build…

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4 Major Benefits of Working From Home

Since the start of the pandemic, working from home has become the new normal, and for good reason too! Whether you’re a university…

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What Your Body Language Says About You

When at work or attending interviews, we always think carefully and consciously about what we are saying. However, what many people don't realise…

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6 Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Presentations

If you’re keen to build a successful career in a business and sales-driven environment, you’ll need to be able to deliver strong presentations.…

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How to Become a Better Salesperson: 8 Steps

Sales is an exciting and extremely rewarding career where every day is different. When we recruit for salespeople, we look for confident and…

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5 Signs You Should Leave Your Job (Sooner Rather Than Later)

Sometimes it can be difficult to know whether it’s time to move on from your job. After all, you may love the people…

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Essentials for Success: Winning Negotiation Skills and Techniques

What is negotiation? For many, the word will strike up images of wheeler-dealers haggling over second-hand cars or perhaps business bigwigs signing huge…

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Bored at Work? Kill the Monotony!

Most workers spend a minimum of 8 hours a day at work; considering the fact we spend another 8 hours asleep, that’s most…

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Essential Team Leader Skills for Management Success

For some, progression to management is a super quick process whereas, for others, it takes years of hard work. Wherever you are in…

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Enterprise Skills: What Are They and Do You Have Them?

Enterprise skills are sought after by employers and yet many candidates overlook their importance and fail to talk about them during their job…

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Finding the Balance: Job Hunting While Employed

Thanks to online job boards and sites, you can now apply for jobs with just one click. However, that doesn’t mean that looking…

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CV Advice: Spring Clean Your CV

Spring will soon be here, which means it’s time to spruce things up a little. At this time of year, many of us…

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The Importance of Peer Feedback: What is a 360 Review?

At work, what do you think when you hear the words ‘feedback’ and ‘review’? Some of us will have flashbacks to being pulled…

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