Category: Job Search and Interviews

Building a Personal Sales Pitch: How to Sell Yourself to Employers

Entering the job market as a recent graduate can be a daunting experience. The transition from academia to a professional environment requires not…

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8 Questions to Ask at the End of a Graduate Job Interview

Securing a graduate role can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. While preparing for an interview, graduates often focus on how to answer…

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Tips for Landing Your Dream Job on an Australian Cruise Ship

Dreaming of a career at sea? Well, you’re not alone. It’s an excellent way and unique opportunity to travel the stunning coastlines of…

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A New Career for Christmas?

Believe it or not, December has arrived again, Christmas preparations are well underway and 2023 is almost over! The run-up to Christmas can…

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How to Calm your Nerves Before an Interview

Sweaty hands, a thumping heart and a dry mouth. Do these symptoms sound familiar? Everyone knows what it feels like to be nervous…

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Boost Your Job Hunt with These 10 Social Media Strategies

In today's digital era, traditional job-hunting techniques have evolved. No longer are we solely dependent on printed CVs, cover letters, and face-to-face networking…

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Assessing Potential Employers: The Questions You Should be Asking Yourself

When searching for a new job you face being assessed by numerous employers. From your CV and application through to the final interview,…

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8 Essential Tips to Help You Sail Through Phone Interviews

Phone interviews have become an increasingly common part of the hiring process. They offer a convenient and cost-effective way for employers and recruiters…

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7 Compelling Reasons Why All Graduates Need to be on LinkedIn

In today's highly competitive job market, it's crucial for graduates to utilise every available tool to enhance their career prospects. One platform that…

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What is a Product Manager and How to Become One

Product Managers are responsible for leading the development and launch of new products. They must have a thorough understanding of the product, as…

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Template CV – Download Now

Our template CV is the perfect starting point for you to create an effective CV that will get you noticed. Knowing where to…

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How to Prepare for Your Interview – Research

Receiving an invite to interview is exciting as you're one step closer to landing a great opportunity. It's important that you are fully…

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What is the Best CV Format to Use?

If you want to make a great first impression on your prospective employer then you have to nail your CV. Remember, there is…

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How to Make Your Job Hunting Journey That Much Easier

As you might know from bitter experience, job hunting can be a tedious and stressful time that can include some unpleasant experiences. It…

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Useful Tips for Making a Printed Resume

A resume is a powerful tool when it comes to job hunting. It's your chance to make a great first impression and show…

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Do You Still Need to Submit Cover Letters in 2022?

Searching and applying for jobs does take time. You’ve perfected your CV and tailored it to the roles you’re applying for, however, after…

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8 Common CV Mistakes that you Need to Avoid

It's surprisingly easy to make simple mistakes on your CV but once you've sent it off to an employer the damage is irreversible.…

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6 Great Questions to Ask in an Interview

You are preparing for a job interview: You've researched the company, thought about the kinds of questions you might be asked and envisioned…

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What Your Body Language Says About You

When at work or attending interviews, we always think carefully and consciously about what we are saying. However, what many people don't realise…

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How to Discreetly Job Search While Employed

Looking for a new job without jeopardising your current one is a tricky situation that many job seekers find themselves in. In order…

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