Category: Job Search and Interviews

What Employers Don’t Want You To Do At Interview

After submitting an impressive CV and a cover letter, it's interview time! This is your opportunity to really make a great impression on…

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Good News Job Hunters: There Are More Vacancies Than Ever!

The latest official figures from the Office for National Statistics show that UK unemployment is falling, the number of people in work continues…

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Are Greedy Graduate Job Boards Monopolising the Market and Limiting the Opportunities that Graduates See?

Every graduate faces the impending challenge of the job search. This can be an exciting time as they explore the promising career opportunities…

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4 Steps to Tackle your Graduate Job Hunt

Every graduate faces the looming experience of leaving the university bubble behind and breaking out into the real world of work, and this…

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Why Use Psychometric Tests?

Last week I left a meeting with a new client and I was buzzing. A fantastic company, great USP, ambitious MD, loyal client…

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The Apprentice: A Lesson in What Not to Say on Your CV

The candidates of BBC1's 'The Apprentice' are supposed to be the UK's top, up-and-coming entrepreneurs, battling for Lord Sugar's £250,000 investment. You'd expect…

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University may be over, but your revision shouldn’t be!

Much like exams, job interviews require research and preparation beforehand in order to achieve the desired outcome. Although this can seem like an…

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Make yourself more employable – advice from the experts

“What can I do to make myself more employable?” As Recruitment Consultants, this is one of the most common questions that we are…

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