How to Make it: Advice from Rock Star Entrepreneurs

Success: (noun) The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. When it's written plainly, success seems to be quite a simple concept, doesn't it?…

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Bridgewater Welcomes Darcey to the Team

Bridgewater Resources are pleased to introduce Darcey Hufton-Long, who recently joined us as a Graduate Recruitment Trainee. She is the newest member of…

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Marketing You: Creating a Personal Brand

The world is changing, almost everything you see around you is a form of marketing; from the billboards you see on your way…

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Interviews: Make them Remember You

How long does it take to make a first impression? Just one-tenth of a second. When you are looking for a new job…

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How To Be More Confident

Our confidence can have an impact on all aspects of our lives and it can make us or break us when it comes…

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How to Turn Down a Job Offer

Look at you, high-flyer! After what felt like an eternity of CVs, applications, situational tests, competency questions and interviews, you've found yourself in…

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How to Assess Your Job Offer

Well done! All your hard work job hunting has paid off and you now have an offer, but are you going to accept…

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Bridgewater Welcomes Tom to the Team

We are pleased to introduce Tom Ferrington, who has recently joined our team here at Bridgewater Resources UK. Tom is our newest Consultant…

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Received a Job Offer? Don’t Ask These Questions!

Receiving a job offer is always exciting news and naturally you may have a few more questions in mind before signing on the…

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What Your Hobbies Say About You

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 'About Me' or 'Hobbies and Interests' sections on a job application seem innocent enough, don't they? Think again. What you include in…

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The Importance of Knowing About You

What makes you successful at work? Knowledge? A good work ethic? Productivity? Yes, all of these things are important, but what is often…

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Boost Your Confidence for Career Success

How you feel about yourself matters. The more confident you are, the more likely you are to succeed at work, solve problems, stress…

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The Key to Success: Having a Clear Vision

Do you ever wonder how the world's biggest entrepreneurs, successful people like Richard Branson and Bill Gates, manage to achieve so much in…

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How to Beat the Job Search Blues

It's not always easy to find a job. Yes, there are thousands of them out there, but only a small proportion of those…

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Bridgewater Welcomes Michael to the Team

We’re pleased to introduce our newest team member Michael Gallon, who has joined our Head Office team as a Recruitment Consultant. Michael is…

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How Social Media Photos Affect Your Job Search

Did you know that when people view a photo of you, they form an impression within 1/10 of a second? It's very likely…

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Can You Improve Your LinkedIn Profile?

The vast majority of professionals now have a presence on LinkedIn and those that don't could be missing out on an extremely valuable…

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Why Job Seekers Need to be More Visible on Social Media

Job seekers are often reminded about how damaging their social media can be. When you apply for a job employers and recruiters will…

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5 Top Tips for Cooking in a Hurry

We all know the feeling - the day flashed by in a blur of phone calls, reports and emails and by the time…

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Work-Life Balance: Who Has It and How To Achieve It

Finding your work-life balance can be a challenge, but do some people have it easier than others? A recent study by Captivate highlights…

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