Category: Career Advice

3 Management Lessons You Can Learn From Sailing

Our CEO Agnes Butterworth has just returned from a sailing holiday in Croatia and she learnt some lessons along the way. Here's her…

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Researching Companies: How to Make Sure You Know Your Stuff

Dan Partington is one of our Senior Recruitment Consultants within the Bridgewater Graduates Division. Part of his role includes coaching our candidates through…

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Bridgewater Experts: How to Communicate Professionally Throughout Your Job Hunt

Melissa Jones, one of our Business Coordinators here at Bridgewater, is a pro when it comes to communication. Here she offers her advice…

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Psychometric Tests: 5 Things You Need to Do

With the job market constantly changing and becoming more and more competitive, employers are always coming up with new ways to make sure…

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Keep Calm and Carry On Applying: Why the Job Hunt Isn’t So Scary

It's time to look for a new job – how are you feeling? Nervous? Daunted? Lacking confidence? It's only natural to feel a…

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Get Back into the Job Hunt Game

For whatever reason, some of us feel a little rusty when it comes to looking for and securing a new job. Perhaps you…

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The Awkward Business of Getting Time Off Work for Interviews

Job hunting while you're still employed in your current role isn't the easiest of tasks. Sneaking away on your lunch break to check…

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6 Personality Traits of a Great Salesperson

Did you know that only 1 in 3 salespeople actually hit or exceed their sales targets? What sets this third above the rest?…

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Sales Tips: 5 Ways to Seal the Deal

Some people are born salespeople, others learn the ropes on the job. Whether or not you were born with the gift, every sales…

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Digital Literacy: Are You Up to Speed?

OK, before we get into things, there's one mantra we all need to embrace: change is good. Many of us are guilty of…

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Digital Skills: 7 Ways to Further Your Career

Digital skills have become increasingly important to businesses and therefore increasingly desirable in employees. These skills are no longer just relevant to those…

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The Secret to Building Rapport with Your Interviewer

“Rapport is power.” - Tony Robbins Have you ever met someone and felt a certain connection or click right away? You quickly come…

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Building Client Relationships: 5 Ways to Keep Your Clients Happy

If your company depends on customers or clients, the key to being successful is making sure that you can grow and maintain your…

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Unhappy at Work? Here’s What to Do About It

We all have the occasional down day at work – when you're stressed about meeting a deadline, a colleague's mistake has a negative…

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Workday Happiness: Staying Bright and Alert

Have you ever had a colleague who always seems to be chirpy and bubbling with energy every single day? They stay super bright…

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The Power of Self-Reflection: Success Comes From Within

(Don't let the title fool you, we've not gone all spiritual and meditative on you.) When talking about becoming successful, we often focus…

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CV Formatting Faux Pas: What to Avoid

Are you embarking on a new career path? Has that amazing promotion finally become available at work? Or are you simply looking for…

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Why Graduates Need to Develop Emotional Intelligence

What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence (EI) is a relatively new theory which was first coined in 1964 by Michael Beldoch, but it…

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The Power of Influence: 6 Tools to Get Anyone to Do Anything

Our Talent Development Manager, Sophie Finlay, looks at Dr. Robert Cialdini's theory The Psychology of Persuasion and shares her top tips on how…

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Attitude Can Make or Break Your Success

We all want success, right? Being able to monitor attitude is a vital step that we can all take towards reaching our full…

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