Has Your Job Offer Been Withdrawn Because of COVID-19? Here’s What to Do

While COVID-19 has been impacting businesses in different ways across the globe, one of the more unfortunate consequences has been the necessity of some to cancel upcoming job opportunities.

It makes sense for businesses to put a hold on recruitment during this period due to the unpredictability of operating during a global pandemic. Many teams are currently working from home and inductions and training for new starters isn’t straightforward.

A recent YouGov survey of over 5,000 students found that two-thirds of them have had job applications paused or withdrawn as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. If you have been affected like this or, even worse, had a job offer revoked you’re likely to be feeling disappointed. Let’s take a look at what you can do to bounce back and give yourself the best chance of success going forward.

Don’t take the rejection personally

If your job offer has been withdrawn because of COVID-19, it really isn’t a personal rejection. You impressed the company enough to secure an offer in the first place and unfortunately, it’s forces outside of everyone’s control that has led to this happening.

Remember, this decision won’t have been easy for the employer. They will have invested time and money in the recruitment process and backtracking on an offer will be frustrating for them too. They may have had to make budget cuts or be concerned about ensuring the safety of their team. You can find out more about your rights regarding job offers here.

Keep in touch with the employer

Just because the employer can’t take you on now, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. If you were really sold on the company and opportunity, it’s important not to burn any bridges as you can’t know what will happen in the future.

Let the employer know that you would still be interested in working for them in the future and ask them how’s best to keep in touch and hear about future opportunities. While the employer is unlikely to have a plan for recruiting very soon, make it clear that you would like to hear about it when they start looking again.

Work on building your skills

It’s not an easy time to be looking for jobs, but if you want to stand out from your competition it is the perfect time to upskill yourself. It’s going to be harder to win a job offer going forward, so the more you can do to boost your skills, the better!

Before diving into any online training available you should figure out what skills you need to prioritise developing. A good way to do this is by looking at online job adverts for the types of role you are interested in. See which boxes you tick and make a plan for improving those that need more work.

Build your professional network

How’s your LinkedIn profile looking? LinkedIn is a fantastic tool for job seekers that gives you an opportunity to connect with potential employers within the industry you are interested in.

Once you have perfected your profile, start following companies that you are interested in working for. Even if they aren’t recruiting right now, they’re sure to post about any new opportunities and updates when they arise.

Don’t give up on applying for jobs

Of course it’s disheartening to have a job offer rescinded but don’t let that stop you from getting back on the job hunting horse. There is still uncertainty for the economy and employers, but there are plenty of companies who are continuing to thrive and recruit. Be prepared to invest your time and hard work into job searching. If you’re persistent, it will pay off. Good luck!

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