Category: Advice For Graduates

REVEALED: The UK Average Graduate Salary 2023

After years of lectures, seminars, essays and exams, graduates want to kick-start a rewarding career. You don’t want to have racked up student…

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Becoming a Court Interpreter – What Are the Requirements?

The requirements for court interpreters have been set for some time already. However, these have been called into question by some concerns in…

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Money Management Tips For People Who Just Started Their First Job

When it comes to financial planning, there are a lot of things that young people need to think about. They may be just…

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6 Ways To Inform Yourself When Choosing A Career You Love

When it comes to choosing a career, there are a lot of things to consider. Do you want to make a lot of…

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Do You Still Need to Submit Cover Letters in 2022?

Searching and applying for jobs does take time. You’ve perfected your CV and tailored it to the roles you’re applying for, however, after…

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REVEALED: The UK Average Graduate Salary 2022

After years of lectures, seminars, essays and exams, graduates want to kick-start a rewarding career. You don’t want to have racked up student…

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8 Common CV Mistakes that you Need to Avoid

It's surprisingly easy to make simple mistakes on your CV but once you've sent it off to an employer the damage is irreversible.…

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Should I Do a Master’s Degree? 3 Reasons You Should

A higher-level qualification equals a better job, right? It is this belief that might motivate ambitious and academically-minded individuals to take their education…

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“I’ve just finished uni and don’t have a clue what I want to do!” – Sound familiar?

Finishing university can be both an exciting and daunting time, as graduates head out into the big wide world and embark on their…

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6 Great Questions to Ask in an Interview

You are preparing for a job interview: You've researched the company, thought about the kinds of questions you might be asked and envisioned…

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What Your Body Language Says About You

When at work or attending interviews, we always think carefully and consciously about what we are saying. However, what many people don't realise…

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What All Graduates Should be Looking for in their First Career Opportunity

Making it to the end of university and achieving your degree is a great feeling and something to celebrate. However, deciding what comes…

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What to Do About Graduating With a 2.2 Degree

It’s widely considered by graduates that a 2.2 classification means that your entire university degree has been a massive waste of time and…

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5 Ways You Should Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile for Job Opportunities

If you’re looking for a job or are open to hearing about potential opportunities, you should ensure that your LinkedIn is optimised to…

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4 Reasons to Choose a Career in Manufacturing

COVID-19 has really impacted upon the career prospects of young people and for many, it is going to be more difficult to take…

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10 Tips for Creating a Successful CV in 2021

Getting your CV right is one of the most important aspects of job hunting. Most employers and recruiters will only have to scan…

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£1.3 Billion UK Group Look for Sales-Focused Graduates to Join Them Now!

Here at Bridgewater Graduates, we're excited to have partnered with a £1.3 billion group, known for being the premier league in their sector,…

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REVEALED: The UK Average Graduate Salary 2021

After years of lectures, seminars, essays and exams, graduates want to kick-start a rewarding career. You don’t want to have racked up student…

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5 Tips for Creating an Impeccable Graduate CV and Cover Letter

When searching for graduate jobs, you know that your CV is the first chance you have to make a great impression on employers.…

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2021 Job Search Trends That All Job Seekers Need to Know

2021 is finally here! If you’re thinking this could be the year to find a new career opportunity, you’ll want to be in…

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