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Thomas International Assessments

Congratulations, you've progressed to the test stage of your application! These tests help us ensure that you will be placed in a role where you can be an asset to our client’s organisation and thrive professionally.

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PPA Assessment
Thomas’ Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) provides an insight into how people behave at work and helps individuals to become more aware of their own work style and that of others. The assessment itself is very simple and should only take around 8 minutes. Your results help to establish what would be the right opportunity for you.

The PPA is designed to identify unique behavioural characteristics

There are no right or wrong answers and you cannot pass or fail

Your response will highlight specific work strengths to be used when considering your suitability for the role

PPA Top Tips:

– You will be presented with sets of four words and you must choose which is the MOST like you and which is the LEAST. First approach this by mentally ranking the four descriptive words from the one which applies to you the most down to the least. Selecting a word as ‘least’ does not mean that it is a weakness or does not apply to you at all.

– When completing the assessment you are instructed to think of yourself in your work situation.

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GIA Assessment
The General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a timed test that has 5 sections. It is designed to measure how quickly you can think on your feet which gives an indication of your likely response to training and ability to hit the ground running. The 5 sections are:


Perceptual Speed

Number Speed and Accuracy

Word Meaning

Spatial Visualisation

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GIA: What You Need to Know
• Speak with your personal Consultant before completing the assessment.

• Speed is key. Find a quiet environment, with no distractions. Using a computer mouse as opposed to a touch screen/pad is strongly recommended.

• Read through the GIA pre-test booklet. This tells you everything you need to know and shows you examples of each part of the assessment.
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