Name (If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please leave blank)
What region do you work in?*
ScotlandNorth EastNorth WestYorkshireIrelandWalesEast MidlandsWest MidlandsLondonSouth EastSouth West
Has the opportunity and job role met with your expectations?*
YesTo an extentNo
Please explain your answer:*
Is the training what you expected it to be following your interview with both Bridgewater Resources UK and the company you work for?*
Please tell us more about the training you have received:*
Have you progressed, or do you have plans for progression?*
Please tell us more about your current role, how you have progressed, or your plans for progression:*
How did you find the recruitment process with Bridgewater and the employer?*
Would you like to be contacted by a Bridgewater Consultant to discuss your feedback further?
If yes, please provide a contact number:
*Required field